07 November 2009

In Which I am not a Poet

This does not make me a poet

There might be some temptation you see to say that now, now that I haven't written anything that
isn't poetry
isn't essay
isn't anything like a lie
for a while that I have stopped being author to become a poet.

I never thought much of the machinations of the universe (university)
not when it came to what it did to me (not free, that's the solution for—getting head of myself).

There are only a few times a month when I am write.
Savor this one.  Cleverness offset by a writing mistake.

Yin and yang.

I stole that from a conversation we had once.  Originality is a grand thing.

This is stolen too:

Do you want to become a lonely grumpy smartass?
That's implying I'm not already.

I made this poetic by saying it was poetic.  Don't you agree?

Line breaks wear down returns.  There is an ancient mariner, and he refuses to pay his fee.




We done here?
Yeah, we're done.

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All content is copyright 2007-2009 by Aaron Poppleton. If you were to steal it, I would probably have to hunt you down and do something unspeakable to you.